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Suddenly you lose the ability to make everyday decisions............


Disability can strike suddenly, through accident or illness. You may be unable to deal with your financial and legal affairs, with potentially disastrous consequences, and this is where a Power of Attorney is invaluable.


Your attorney has a legal obligation to act in your best interests, and assist you in decision making if you lose capacity.


Hopefully you will retain your physical and mental abilities throughout your life, and will be able to look after yourself without assistance. Sadly all too often this is not the case and we all know of relatives or loved-ones who have needed assistance.


Drawing up an LPA is an important legal document and Bluecoat will guide you through the process to ensure your LPA's comply with legislative requirements.  We also explain the duties of the Attorneys.

There are two types of LPA and we can advise you on both:
Health & Welfare
Property & Affairs

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01273 839533

11 Lady Bee Enterprise Centre

Albion Street


West Sussex

BN42 4BW

United Kingdom


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