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8 Reasons NOT to Write a Will

You like the idea of intestacy

You're perfectly happy to the State to decide who will benefit on your death.You like the inflexibility of the intestacy rules. If you are unmarried yourpartner cannotbenefit under these rules, but you're sure they'll be fine. Hopefully the cousin or otherdistant relative who ends up benefiting will help them out financially.

You don’t want to appoint Executors

You don't want to appoint executors to make sure your estate is properly distributedafter you're gone, as it might just upset any people that you do not ask. You would rather leave it to someone else to step up and apply to be your Executor, no matter theirsuitability for the role.

You don’t mind who will care for your children

You're fairly confident someone will take care of your minor childrenafteryour death. If not, you're sure that the courtswill appoint a guardian forthem, who will be exactly the person you would have chosen given the chance. They maynotbe raised the way you would'veliked, but never mind, it will all work out for the best.

There’s no need to provide for anyone in particular

It doesn't matter to you who gets your great-great-grandmother's wedding ring that'sbeen passed down the family for generations. You're sure that your spouse and yourchildren equitably sort it out somehow without arguments. If you are not married to your partneryou're sure they won't mind the stress or the expense of needing to go through the courtsto claim for any provision from your estate.

You don’t mind how your funeral is conducted

You are happy to let your family work out what your funeral wishes were, at a time when they are distraught and bereaved. You don'tmind whetheryou're cremated or buried, and you have no specific requests. If you do have specialwishes such as having your ashes scattered in a favourite location you're sureyour family know this, and it isn't likely to cause anydisagreements. Right?

Inheritance Tax?

The intestacy rules might not be the most tax effective way of passing on your Estate,but you don't mind if there's a larger tax bill. That's for your family to sort out, andyou're sure they won't have any hassle selling your assets and paying any tax due. TheIHT forms are known for how easy and stress free they are to complete.


You've always been a regular supporter of a charitable cause, but there's no need to carry on these donations once you'regone, even if it’s really tax-efficient to leave them some money?

Trust? Trust who?

You can't see any need to use trusts to protect any of your assets after you've passed away. You're happy to just leave your estate to whoever the intestacyrulessay is entitled to them, and so be it if they are bankrupt, they divorce, or they gamble it all away. Either the state or your surviving family will make sure your minor or disabled children are caredfor.

Bluecoat Wills and Trusts helps families create their legacy using Wills, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney's, Wealth Flow, Funeral Plans in Sussex and Surrey, including Shoreham and Worthing.

This is not financial advise.

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