The Roulette Wheel of Document Storage

Everyone in the UK right now is unsure of what the future will hold, especially with Brexit around the corner, the extremely hot summer and political instability around the world. Peace of mind is currently hard to acquire and out of reach in most situations in our day to day lives. All of the clients that we provide services for are essential looking to find financial and emotional peace of mind. I am extremely happy to say that we have the expertise’s, skill set and knowledge to provide this service to our clients and one of the ways we help to provide peace of mind to our clients is through our document storage facility.
We often pose this question to our clients, “After spending a large amount of time contemplating how you plan to leave your legacy and to whom, why even contemplate putting it all at risk by taking the document home with you”. A very small amount of our clients chose to take their original documents home with them and those who do usual store them with all their other paperwork in their house or in a home safe. Out of the two I would always encourage clients to get a home safe, not because it may protect your document efficiently but because it will give you some peace of mind. Most common mainstream home safes are fire retardant and the average expensive home safe can protect documents up to 950 degrees, unfortunately the average fire burns at 1,100 degrees[1]. Therefore, documents being legible and intact after a house fire are slim. Paper will self-ignite at 451 degrees[2], unfortunately decreasing the likely percentage rate that the document would survive the average house fire.
We advise our client to use our storage facility because it protects against, lose, fire (Pre-ignition fire protection system), the documents are sealed against flood damage, guarded 24/7, can be retrieved in 24hrs and lose. Further to this, the document is held electronically and copies are readily available, the Executors, Trustees, Attorney’s or relevant parties have a point of contact and the document can be returned within 24-48 hours. However, all of that is insignificant against the peace of mind it gives our clients. We believe that aligning values and wealth, protects families for generations, which is why we help to create legacies that shape and leave a better world.